
class SimPEG.inverse_problem.BaseInvProblem(dmisfit, reg, opt)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.props.BaseSimPEG

Optional Properties:

  • model (Model): Inversion model., a numpy array of <class ‘float’>, <class ‘int’> with shape (*, *) or (*)

beta = 1.0

Trade-off parameter

debug = False

Print debugging information

counter = None

Set this to a SimPEG.utils.Counter() if you want to count things

deleteTheseOnModelUpdate = []

List of strings, e.g. [‘_MeSigma’, ‘_MeSigmaI’]

property model

model (Model): Inversion model., a numpy array of <class ‘float’>, <class ‘int’> with shape (*, *) or (*)

dmisfit = None


reg = None


opt = None

Optimization program


Called when inversion is first starting.

If you have things that also need to run in the method startup, you can create a method:

def _startup*(self, ... ):

Where the * can be any string. If present, _startup* will be called at the start of the default startup call. You may also completely overwrite this function.

property warmstart
getFields(m, store=False, deleteWarmstart=True)[source]
get_dpred(m, f)[source]
evalFunction(m, return_g=True, return_H=True)[source]


class SimPEG.inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Inversion Class

name = 'BaseInversion'
debug = False

Print debugging information

counter = None

Set this to a SimPEG.utils.Counter() if you want to count things

property directiveList

Runs the inversion!


class SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: properties.base.base.HasProperties

debug = False

Print debugging information

property inversion

This is the inversion of the InversionDirective instance.

property invProb
property opt
property reg
property dmisfit
property survey

Assuming that dmisfit is always a ComboObjectiveFunction, return a list of surveys for each dmisfit [survey1, survey2, … ]

property simulation

Assuming that dmisfit is always a ComboObjectiveFunction, return a list of problems for each dmisfit [prob1, prob2, …]

property prob

simulation.prob has been deprecated. See simulation for documentation


Call all registered class validator methods

These are all methods decorated with @properties.validator. Validator methods are expected to raise a ValidationError if they fail.

class SimPEG.directives.DirectiveList(*directives, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

dList = None

The list of Directives

property debug
property inversion

This is the inversion of the InversionDirective instance.

class SimPEG.directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective


beta0 = None

The initial Beta (regularization parameter)

beta0_ratio = 100.0

estimateBeta0 is used with this ratio


The initial beta is calculated by comparing the estimated eigenvalues of JtJ and WtW. To estimate the eigenvector of A, we will use one iteration of the Power Method:

\[\mathbf{x_1 = A x_0}\]

Given this (very course) approximation of the eigenvector, we can use the Rayleigh quotient to approximate the largest eigenvalue.

\[\lambda_0 = \frac{\mathbf{x^\top A x}}{\mathbf{x^\top x}}\]

We will approximate the largest eigenvalue for both JtJ and WtW, and use some ratio of the quotient to estimate beta0.

\[\beta_0 = \gamma \frac{\mathbf{x^\top J^\top J x}}{\mathbf{x^\top W^\top W x}}\]
Return type




class SimPEG.directives.BetaSchedule(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

coolingFactor = 8.0
coolingRate = 3
class SimPEG.directives.TargetMisfit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

… note:: Currently the target misfit is not set up for joint inversions. Get in touch if you would like to help with the upgrade!

chifact = 1.0
phi_d_star = None
property target
class SimPEG.directives.SaveEveryIteration(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

This directive saves an array at each iteration. The default directory is the current directoy and the models are saved as InversionModel-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-iter.npy

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): directory to save results in, a unicode string, Default: .

  • name (String): root of the filename to be saved, a unicode string, Default: InversionModel

property directory

directory (String): directory to save results in, a unicode string, Default: .

property name

name (String): root of the filename to be saved, a unicode string, Default: InversionModel

property fileName
class SimPEG.directives.SaveModelEveryIteration(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.SaveEveryIteration

This directive saves the model as a numpy array at each iteration. The default directory is the current directoy and the models are saved as InversionModel-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-iter.npy

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): directory to save results in, a unicode string, Default: .

  • name (String): root of the filename to be saved, a unicode string, Default: InversionModel

class SimPEG.directives.SaveOutputEveryIteration(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.SaveEveryIteration

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): directory to save results in, a unicode string, Default: .

  • name (String): root of the filename to be saved, a unicode string, Default: InversionModel

header = None
save_txt = True
beta = None
phi_d = None
phi_m = None
phi_m_small = None
phi_m_smooth_x = None
phi_m_smooth_y = None
phi_m_smooth_z = None
phi = None
plot_misfit_curves(fname=None, dpi=300, plot_small_smooth=False, plot_phi_m=True, plot_small=False, plot_smooth=False)[source]
plot_tikhonov_curves(fname=None, dpi=200)[source]
class SimPEG.directives.SaveOutputDictEveryIteration(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.SaveEveryIteration

Saves inversion parameters at every iteration.

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): directory to save results in, a unicode string, Default: .

  • name (String): root of the filename to be saved, a unicode string, Default: InversionModel

outDict = None
saveOnDisk = False
class SimPEG.directives.Update_IRLS(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

Required Properties:

  • beta_search (Boolean): Do a beta serarch, a boolean, Default: False

  • coolingFactor (Float): Cooling factor, a float, Default: 2.0

  • coolingRate (Integer): Cooling rate, an integer, Default: 1

  • max_irls_iterations (Integer): maximum irls iterations, an integer, Default: 20

  • update_beta (Boolean): Update beta, a boolean, Default: True

f_old = 0
f_min_change = 0.01
beta_tol = 0.1
beta_ratio_l2 = None
prctile = 100
chifact_start = 1.0
chifact_target = 1.0
irls_iteration = 0
minGNiter = 1
property max_irls_iterations

max_irls_iterations (Integer): maximum irls iterations, an integer, Default: 20

iterStart = 0
sphericalDomain = False
property update_beta

update_beta (Boolean): Update beta, a boolean, Default: True

beta_search (Boolean): Do a beta serarch, a boolean, Default: False

property coolingFactor

coolingFactor (Float): Cooling factor, a float, Default: 2.0

property coolingRate

coolingRate (Integer): Cooling rate, an integer, Default: 1

ComboObjFun = False
mode = 1
coolEpsOptimized = True
coolEps_p = True
coolEps_q = True
floorEps_p = 1e-08
floorEps_q = 1e-08
coolEpsFact = 1.2
silent = False
fix_Jmatrix = False
property maxIRLSiters

maxIRLSiters has been deprecated. See max_irls_iterations for documentation

property updateBeta

updateBeta has been deprecated. See update_beta for documentation

property betaSearch

betaSearch has been deprecated. See beta_search for documentation

property target
property start

Update the scales used by regularization for the different block of models


Call all registered class validator methods

These are all methods decorated with @properties.validator. Validator methods are expected to raise a ValidationError if they fail.

class SimPEG.directives.UpdatePreconditioner(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

Create a Jacobi preconditioner for the linear problem

update_every_iteration = True

Update every iterations if False

class SimPEG.directives.Update_Wj(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

Create approx-sensitivity base weighting using the probing method

k = None
itr = None
class SimPEG.directives.UpdateSensitivityWeights(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

Directive to take care of re-weighting the non-linear magnetic problems.

mapping = None
JtJdiag = None
everyIter = True
threshold = 1e-12
switch = True

Compute explicitly the main diagonal of JtJ Good for any problem where J is formed explicitly


Take the diagonal of JtJ and return a normalized sensitivty weighting vector


Update the cell weights with the approximated sensitivity


Call all registered class validator methods

These are all methods decorated with @properties.validator. Validator methods are expected to raise a ValidationError if they fail.

class SimPEG.directives.ProjectSphericalBounds(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SimPEG.directives.InversionDirective

Trick for spherical coordinate system. Project heta and phi angles back to [-pi,pi] using back and forth conversion. spherical->cartesian->spherical
