Click here to download the full example code
2.5D DC Resistivity Inversion with Sparse Norms¶
Here we invert a line of DC resistivity data to recover an electrical conductivity model. We formulate the inverse problem as a least-squares optimization problem. For this tutorial, we focus on the following:
Defining the survey
Generating a mesh based on survey geometry
Including surface topography
Defining the inverse problem (data misfit, regularization, directives)
Applying sensitivity weighting
Plotting the recovered model and data misfit
Import modules¶
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tarfile
from discretize import TreeMesh
from discretize.utils import mkvc, refine_tree_xyz
from SimPEG.utils import surface2ind_topo
from SimPEG import (
from SimPEG.electromagnetics.static import resistivity as dc
from SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.utils.static_utils import plot_pseudoSection
from pymatsolver import Pardiso as Solver
except ImportError:
from SimPEG import SolverLU as Solver
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
Define File Names¶
Here we provide the file paths to assets we need to run the inversion. The path to the true model conductivity and chargeability models are also provided for comparison with the inversion results. These files are stored as a tar-file on our google cloud bucket: “”
# storage bucket where we have the data
data_source = ""
# download the data
downloaded_data =, overwrite=True)
# unzip the tarfile
tar =, "r")
# path to the directory containing our data
dir_path = downloaded_data.split(".")[0] + os.path.sep
# files to work with
topo_filename = dir_path + "xyz_topo.txt"
data_filename = dir_path + "dc_data.obs"
true_conductivity_filename = dir_path + "true_conductivity.txt"
overwriting /Users/josephcapriotti/codes/simpeg/tutorials/05-dcr/dcip2d.tar.gz
saved to: /Users/josephcapriotti/codes/simpeg/tutorials/05-dcr/dcip2d.tar.gz
Download completed!
Load Data, Define Survey and Plot¶
Here we load the observed data, define the DC and IP survey geometry and plot the data values using pseudo-sections.
# Load data
topo_xyz = np.loadtxt(str(topo_filename))
dobs = np.loadtxt(str(data_filename))
# Extract source and receiver electrode locations and the observed data
A_electrodes = dobs[:, 0:2]
B_electrodes = dobs[:, 2:4]
M_electrodes = dobs[:, 4:6]
N_electrodes = dobs[:, 6:8]
dobs = dobs[:, -1]
# Define survey
unique_tx, k = np.unique(np.c_[A_electrodes, B_electrodes], axis=0, return_index=True)
n_sources = len(k)
k = np.r_[k, len(A_electrodes) + 1]
source_list = []
for ii in range(0, n_sources):
# MN electrode locations for receivers. Each is an (N, 3) numpy array
M_locations = M_electrodes[k[ii] : k[ii + 1], :]
N_locations = N_electrodes[k[ii] : k[ii + 1], :]
receiver_list = [dc.receivers.Dipole(M_locations, N_locations, data_type="volt")]
# AB electrode locations for source. Each is a (1, 3) numpy array
A_location = A_electrodes[k[ii], :]
B_location = B_electrodes[k[ii], :]
source_list.append(dc.sources.Dipole(receiver_list, A_location, B_location))
# Define survey
survey = dc.survey.Survey_ky(source_list)
# Define the a data object. Uncertainties are added later
dc_data = data.Data(survey, dobs=dobs)
# Plot apparent conductivity using pseudo-section
mpl.rcParams.update({"font.size": 12})
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.8, 0.9])
pcolorOpts={"cmap": "viridis"},
ax1.set_title("Apparent Conductivity [S/m]")
![Apparent Conductivity [S/m]](../../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_inv_2_dcr2d_irls_001.png)
/Users/josephcapriotti/codes/simpeg/tutorials/05-dcr/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
Assign Uncertainties¶
Inversion with SimPEG requires that we define standard deviation on our data. This represents our estimate of the noise in our data. For DC data, a relative error is applied to each datum.
Create OcTree Mesh¶
Here, we create the OcTree mesh that will be used to predict both DC resistivity and IP data.
dh = 10.0 # base cell width
dom_width_x = 2400.0 # domain width x
dom_width_z = 1200.0 # domain width z
nbcx = 2 ** int(np.round(np.log(dom_width_x / dh) / np.log(2.0))) # num. base cells x
nbcz = 2 ** int(np.round(np.log(dom_width_z / dh) / np.log(2.0))) # num. base cells z
# Define the base mesh
hx = [(dh, nbcx)]
hz = [(dh, nbcz)]
mesh = TreeMesh([hx, hz], x0="CN")
# Mesh refinement based on topography
mesh = refine_tree_xyz(
mesh, topo_xyz[:, [0, 2]], octree_levels=[1], method="surface", finalize=False
# Mesh refinement near transmitters and receivers
electrode_locations = np.r_[
survey.locations_a, survey.locations_b, survey.locations_m, survey.locations_n
unique_locations = np.unique(electrode_locations, axis=0)
mesh = refine_tree_xyz(
mesh, unique_locations, octree_levels=[2, 4], method="radial", finalize=False
# Refine core mesh region
xp, zp = np.meshgrid([-800.0, 800.0], [-800.0, 0.0])
xyz = np.c_[mkvc(xp), mkvc(zp)]
mesh = refine_tree_xyz(mesh, xyz, octree_levels=[0, 2, 2], method="box", finalize=False)
Project Surveys to Discretized Topography¶
It is important that electrodes are not model as being in the air. Even if the electrodes are properly located along surface topography, they may lie above the discretized topography. This step is carried out to ensure all electrodes like on the discretized surface.
# Find cells that lie below surface topography
ind_active = surface2ind_topo(mesh, topo_xyz[:, [0, 2]])
# Shift electrodes to the surface of discretized topography
survey.drape_electrodes_on_topography(mesh, ind_active, option="top")
Starting/Reference Model and Mapping on OcTree Mesh¶
Here, we would create starting and/or reference models for the DC inversion as well as the mapping from the model space to the active cells. Starting and reference models can be a constant background value or contain a-priori structures. Here, the starting model is the natural log of 0.01 S/m.
# Define conductivity model in S/m (or resistivity model in Ohm m)
air_conductivity = np.log(1e-8)
background_conductivity = np.log(1e-2)
active_map = maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, ind_active, np.exp(air_conductivity))
nC = int(ind_active.sum())
conductivity_map = active_map * maps.ExpMap()
# Define model
starting_conductivity_model = background_conductivity * np.ones(nC)
Define the Physics of the DC Simulation¶
Here, we define the physics of the DC resistivity problem.
# Define the problem. Define the cells below topography and the mapping
simulation = dc.simulation_2d.Simulation2DNodal(
mesh, survey=survey, sigmaMap=conductivity_map, Solver=Solver
Define DC Inverse Problem¶
The inverse problem is defined by 3 things:
Data Misfit: a measure of how well our recovered model explains the field data
Regularization: constraints placed on the recovered model and a priori information
Optimization: the numerical approach used to solve the inverse problem
# Define the data misfit. Here the data misfit is the L2 norm of the weighted
# residual between the observed data and the data predicted for a given model.
# Within the data misfit, the residual between predicted and observed data are
# normalized by the data's standard deviation.
dmis = data_misfit.L2DataMisfit(data=dc_data, simulation=simulation)
# Define the regularization (model objective function). Here, 'p' defines the
# the norm of the smallness term, 'qx' defines the norm of the smoothness
# in x and 'qz' defines the norm of the smoothness in z.
regmap = maps.IdentityMap(nP=int(ind_active.sum()))
reg = regularization.Sparse(
p = 0
qx = 1
qz = 1
reg.norms = np.c_[p, qx, qz]
# Define how the optimization problem is solved. Here we will use an inexact
# Gauss-Newton approach.
opt = optimization.InexactGaussNewton(maxIter=40)
# Here we define the inverse problem that is to be solved
inv_prob = inverse_problem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt)
Define DC Inversion Directives¶
Here we define any directives that are carried out during the inversion. This includes the cooling schedule for the trade-off parameter (beta), stopping criteria for the inversion and saving inversion results at each iteration.
# Apply and update sensitivity weighting as the model updates
update_sensitivity_weighting = directives.UpdateSensitivityWeights()
# Reach target misfit for L2 solution, then use IRLS until model stops changing.
update_IRLS = directives.Update_IRLS(
max_irls_iterations=20, minGNiter=1, beta_search=False, fix_Jmatrix=True
# Defining a starting value for the trade-off parameter (beta) between the data
# misfit and the regularization.
starting_beta = directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=1e0)
# Update preconditionner
update_Jacobi = directives.UpdatePreconditioner()
# Options for outputting recovered models and predicted data for each beta.
save_iteration = directives.SaveOutputEveryIteration(save_txt=False)
directives_list = [
Running the DC Inversion¶
To define the inversion object, we need to define the inversion problem and the set of directives. We can then run the inversion.
# Here we combine the inverse problem and the set of directives
dc_inversion = inversion.BaseInversion(inv_prob, directiveList=directives_list)
# Run inversion
recovered_conductivity_model =
/Users/josephcapriotti/opt/anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/SimPEG/ UserWarning: Without a Linear preconditioner, convergence may be slow. Consider adding `Directives.UpdatePreconditioner` to your directives list
"Without a Linear preconditioner, convergence may be slow. "
SimPEG.InvProblem is setting bfgsH0 to the inverse of the eval2Deriv.
***Done using same Solver and solverOpts as the problem***
model has any nan: 0
============================ Inexact Gauss Newton ============================
# beta phi_d phi_m f |proj(x-g)-x| LS Comment
x0 has any nan: 0
0 1.28e+03 2.19e+04 0.00e+00 2.19e+04 8.41e+03 0
1 6.41e+02 2.39e+03 1.98e-01 2.52e+03 1.02e+03 0
2 3.20e+02 3.31e+02 5.47e-01 5.07e+02 1.48e+02 0 Skip BFGS
3 1.60e+02 1.12e+02 7.97e-01 2.40e+02 4.84e+01 0 Skip BFGS
4 8.01e+01 5.97e+01 9.62e-01 1.37e+02 2.59e+01 0 Skip BFGS
Reached starting chifact with l2-norm regularization: Start IRLS steps...
eps_p: 2.3334914282990824 eps_q: 2.3334914282990824
>> Fix Jmatrix
5 4.01e+01 4.31e+01 1.29e+00 9.46e+01 2.58e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
6 7.24e+01 3.10e+01 1.50e+00 1.39e+02 3.94e+01 0 Skip BFGS
>> Fix Jmatrix
7 1.23e+02 3.54e+01 1.44e+00 2.13e+02 3.57e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
8 1.23e+02 4.98e+01 1.33e+00 2.14e+02 2.13e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
9 1.23e+02 4.82e+01 1.38e+00 2.19e+02 1.54e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
10 1.23e+02 5.17e+01 1.41e+00 2.25e+02 1.58e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
11 1.23e+02 5.32e+01 1.43e+00 2.30e+02 1.67e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
12 1.02e+02 5.57e+01 1.45e+00 2.03e+02 2.03e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
13 1.02e+02 5.08e+01 1.51e+00 2.05e+02 1.89e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
14 1.02e+02 5.17e+01 1.52e+00 2.06e+02 2.17e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
15 1.02e+02 5.23e+01 1.52e+00 2.07e+02 2.08e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
16 1.02e+02 5.33e+01 1.51e+00 2.06e+02 2.09e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
17 1.02e+02 4.90e+01 1.56e+00 2.07e+02 2.00e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
18 1.02e+02 4.93e+01 1.55e+00 2.07e+02 1.90e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
19 1.02e+02 4.76e+01 1.57e+00 2.07e+02 1.87e+01 0 Skip BFGS
>> Fix Jmatrix
20 1.02e+02 5.07e+01 1.55e+00 2.09e+02 1.96e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
21 1.02e+02 5.25e+01 1.56e+00 2.11e+02 2.40e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
22 8.39e+01 5.56e+01 1.54e+00 1.85e+02 2.58e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
23 6.90e+01 5.58e+01 1.56e+00 1.64e+02 2.67e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
24 6.90e+01 5.45e+01 1.62e+00 1.66e+02 3.14e+01 0
>> Fix Jmatrix
Reach maximum number of IRLS cycles: 20
------------------------- STOP! -------------------------
1 : |fc-fOld| = 0.0000e+00 <= tolF*(1+|f0|) = 2.1936e+03
1 : |xc-x_last| = 4.2786e-01 <= tolX*(1+|x0|) = 5.1717e+01
0 : |proj(x-g)-x| = 3.1396e+01 <= tolG = 1.0000e-01
0 : |proj(x-g)-x| = 3.1396e+01 <= 1e3*eps = 1.0000e-02
0 : maxIter = 40 <= iter = 25
------------------------- DONE! -------------------------
Plotting True and Recovered Conductivity Model¶
# Load true conductivity model
true_conductivity_model = np.loadtxt(str(true_conductivity_filename))
true_conductivity_model_log10 = np.log10(true_conductivity_model[ind_active])
# Get L2 and sparse recovered model in base 10
l2_conductivity_model_log10 = np.log10(np.exp(inv_prob.l2model))
recovered_conductivity_model_log10 = np.log10(np.exp(recovered_conductivity_model))
# Plot True Model
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 15))
ax1 = 3 * [None]
ax2 = 3 * [None]
title_str = [
"True Conductivity Model",
"Smooth Recovered Model",
"Sparse Recovered Model",
plotting_map = maps.ActiveCells(mesh, ind_active, np.nan)
plotting_model = [
for ii in range(0, 3):
ax1[ii] = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.73 - 0.3 * ii, 0.72, 0.21])
plotting_map * plotting_model[ii],
range_x=[-700, 700],
range_y=[-600, 0],
pcolorOpts={"cmap": "viridis"},
ax1[ii].set_xlabel("x (m)")
ax1[ii].set_ylabel("z (m)")
ax2[ii] = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.73 - 0.3 * ii, 0.05, 0.21])
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(
cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(
cbar.set_label("$S/m$", rotation=270, labelpad=15, size=12)

/Users/josephcapriotti/codes/simpeg/tutorials/05-dcr/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
Plotting Predicted DC Data and Misfit¶
# Predicted data from recovered model
dpred = simulation.dpred(recovered_conductivity_model)
dc_data_predicted = data.Data(survey, dobs=dpred)
data_array = [dc_data, dc_data_predicted, dc_data]
dobs_array = [None, None, (dobs - dpred) / std]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17, 5.5))
plot_title = ["Observed", "Predicted", "Normalized Misfit"]
plot_type = ["appConductivity", "appConductivity", "misfitMap"]
plot_units = ["S/m", "S/m", ""]
scale = ["log", "log", "linear"]
ax1 = 3 * [None]
norm = 3 * [None]
cbar = 3 * [None]
cplot = 3 * [None]
for ii in range(0, 3):
ax1[ii] = fig.add_axes([0.33 * ii + 0.03, 0.05, 0.25, 0.9])
cplot[ii] = plot_pseudoSection(
pcolorOpts={"cmap": "viridis"},

/Users/josephcapriotti/codes/simpeg/tutorials/05-dcr/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
Total running time of the script: ( 3 minutes 30.495 seconds)